Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Stress Prevention and Management (1)

Stress prevention and Management

Q Robert Epstein's research on stress management interventions suggest that stress prevention (planning to avoid stressors) and source management (reductions or eliminating the source of the stress) are the most effective types of stress management interventions. Identify 3 stressors in your life (or in the lives of others) that you could either prevent or manage and briefly describe how you might do this. • Example: If you lose your car keys often and this is a source of stress for you in the mornings, you can't eliminate or avoid leaving the house but you can manage your keys differently by hanging them up on a key rack by the door.

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I feel that sometimes I do take excessive stress regarding monetary loss. I know that financial stress is not at all good for health and it clearly shows in my face. Due to this stressor, I keep my eyes very frequently in the hare related news. Actually, I have invested a huge amount of money in different purpose and I always have the fear of having a major loss. Most importantly, I go through the news of financial loss and bankruptcy almost every day. I have the tendency to imagine myself in their place. The reason for taking stress regarding finance is I am the only earner of my family and in case I go through loss, my family will be ruined.